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مکالمه بين Sanderson و Violet Girl

12 پیغام بازدید کنندگان

صفحه 2 از 2 نخستنخست 12
  1. woohoo someone noticed
    and about that
    Whoever assumes that he's gained the ability -better said illusion- to consider himself "mature" is not even close

    Not being able to reach that high doesn't mean you can't find where you wanna draw 'your' line
    Every single step taken that way is taking a bite of maturity, which has no limits

  2. quote //
    Growing up is mandatory
    Maturity is optional

    nope it's not arbitrary/optional

    you may have the 'illusion' that you have some sort of total control over your brain/thoughts and body tho; doesn't mean you actually have
نمايش پيغامهاي بازديد کننده 11 از 12 تا 12
صفحه 2 از 2 نخستنخست 12