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هم اکنون شهروند ايريپابليک شويد

با مراجعه به ويکي از جديدترين آموزش ها و اطلاعات در خصوص ايريپابليک باخبر شويد.
صفحه خانگي اضافه به علاقمندي ها نقشه سايت

نمایش نتیجه های نظرسنجی ها: Should eIran be friend with eRussia? / آیا ایران می شود دوستان با روسیه ?

رأی دهندگان
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صفحه 1 از 2 12 آخرینآخرین
نمایش نتایج: از شماره 1 تا 10 , از مجموع 12

موضوع: eRussian Embassy

  1. #1

    نوشته ها
    مشاهده پروفايل}     افزودن به ليست دوستان   مشاهده گروه هاي اجتماعي

    Lightbulb eRussian Embassy

    آقایان محترم ،
    دوستان عزیز در eIran دولت!
    برای من افتخار بزرگی وجود دارد برای معرفی به شما به عنوان سفیر تازه منصوب فوق العاده و سفیر تام الاختیار روسیه در ایران می باشد.
    دولت من همواره بسیار مهربان به آن روابط گرم و دوستانه بین کشورهای ما.
    من که مجاز است به نمایندگی از طرف دولت روسیه اعلام کنید ، که برای ما مردم و دولت ایران است به عنوان یک همسایه بسیار گران است و به عنوان یک متحد قدرتمند.

    امروز ما در اینجا اشکار ساختن فروم رسمی کشور ایران ، سفارت خانه های ما -- سفارت روسیه در ایران است.
    من شخصا به عنوان سفیر همواره آماده ارائه هر نوع کمک ممکن است برای همه افراد علاقه مند در کشور خودم -- روسیه است.
    سلام بله دوستی ابدی بین روسیه و ملت بزرگ ایران!

    Уважаемые господа,
    Дорогие друзья в правительстве еИран!
    Для меня есть огромная честь представиться перед Вами в качестве вновь назначенного Чрезвычайного и Полномочного Посла eРоссии в eИране.
    Мое правительство всегда очень трепетно относится к тем теплым и дружеским отношениям между нашими странами.

    Меня уполномочили сообщить от имени правительства eРоссии, что для нас народ и правительство eИрана очень дорого как сосед и как могучий союзник.
    Сегодня мы торжественно открываем тут, на официальном форуме страны Иран наше посольство - Посольство eРоссии в eИране.
    Я лично в качестве посла всегда готов оказать любую посильную помощь всем интересующимся моей страной - eРоссией.
    Да здраствует вечная дружба eРоссии и великого eИранского государства!

    Dear Sirs,
    Dear friends in the government eIran!
    For me there is a huge honor to introduce to you as the newly appointed Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador of eRussia in eIran.
    My Government has always been very kind to those warm and friendly relations between our countries.
    I am authorized to announce on behalf of the Government of eRussia, that for us the people and government of Iran is very expensive as a neighbor and as a powerful ally.
    Today we unveil here on the official forum the country eIran, our Embassy - Embassy of eRussia in eIran.
    I personally as an ambassador is always ready to render any possible assistance to all people interested in my country - eRussia.
    Yes Hello eternal friendship between eRussia and the great eIranian nation!

  2. 19 کاربر زیر از al-orifxo'ja برای این پست مفید تشکر کرده اند:

    Arash-Xp (10/02/07),Ariai (10/02/07),behrang (10/02/07),brother hood (10/02/28),DamneD (10/02/10),Ghelghelak (10/04/14),JACK C. HAMMER (10/03/03),karobi (10/02/23),Laya (10/02/07),Milad (10/02/10),par30web (10/02/07),parshang (10/04/07),rabin2026 (10/02/07),Rexxar 69 (10/04/07),Samaa (10/02/07),shn.am (10/02/07),هزاردستان (10/02/07),Vampire (10/02/07),wolfman_741 (10/02/07)

  3. #2

    نوشته ها
    مشاهده پروفايل}   درجه نظامي Recruit :   افزودن به ليست دوستان   مشاهده گروه هاي اجتماعي

    پیش فرض

    نقل قول نوشته اصلی توسط al-orifxo'ja نمایش پست ها
    آقایان محترم ،
    دوستان عزیز در eIran دولت!
    برای من افتخار بزرگی وجود دارد برای معرفی به شما به عنوان سفیر تازه منصوب فوق العاده و سفیر تام الاختیار روسیه در ایران می باشد.
    دولت من همواره بسیار مهربان به آن روابط گرم و دوستانه بین کشورهای ما.
    من که مجاز است به نمایندگی از طرف دولت روسیه اعلام کنید ، که برای ما مردم و دولت ایران است به عنوان یک همسایه بسیار گران است و به عنوان یک متحد قدرتمند.

    امروز ما در اینجا اشکار ساختن فروم رسمی کشور ایران ، سفارت خانه های ما -- سفارت روسیه در ایران است.
    من شخصا به عنوان سفیر همواره آماده ارائه هر نوع کمک ممکن است برای همه افراد علاقه مند در کشور خودم -- روسیه است.
    سلام بله دوستی ابدی بین روسیه و ملت بزرگ ایران!

    Уважаемые господа,
    Дорогие друзья в правительстве еИран!
    Для меня есть огромная честь представиться перед Вами в качестве вновь назначенного Чрезвычайного и Полномочного Посла eРоссии в eИране.
    Мое правительство всегда очень трепетно относится к тем теплым и дружеским отношениям между нашими странами.

    Меня уполномочили сообщить от имени правительства eРоссии, что для нас народ и правительство eИрана очень дорого как сосед и как могучий союзник.
    Сегодня мы торжественно открываем тут, на официальном форуме страны Иран наше посольство - Посольство eРоссии в eИране.
    Я лично в качестве посла всегда готов оказать любую посильную помощь всем интересующимся моей страной - eРоссией.
    Да здраствует вечная дружба eРоссии и великого eИранского государства!

    Dear Sirs,
    Dear friends in the government eIran!
    For me there is a huge honor to introduce to you as the newly appointed Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador of eRussia in eIran.
    My Government has always been very kind to those warm and friendly relations between our countries.
    I am authorized to announce on behalf of the Government of eRussia, that for us the people and government of Iran is very expensive as a neighbor and as a powerful ally.
    Today we unveil here on the official forum the country eIran, our Embassy - Embassy of eRussia in eIran.
    I personally as an ambassador is always ready to render any possible assistance to all people interested in my country - eRussia.
    Yes Hello eternal friendship between eRussia and the great eIranian nation!
    welcome to eiran
    We are all a little weird and life's a little weird, and when we find someone whose weirdness iz compatible with ours, we join up with them and fall in mutual weirdness and call it Love.
    and also :

  4. 5 کاربر زیر از Laya برای این پست مفید تشکر کرده اند:

    al-orifxo'ja (10/02/07),behrang (10/02/07),DamneD (10/02/10),par30web (10/03/03),Rexxar 69 (10/04/07)

  5. #3

    نوشته ها
    مشاهده پروفايل}   درجه نظامي Recruit :   افزودن به ليست دوستان   مشاهده گروه هاي اجتماعي

    پیش فرض

    welcome my dear friend
    روزنامه من Ebtekar Newspaper

  6. 3 کاربر زیر از behrang برای این پست مفید تشکر کرده اند:

    al-orifxo'ja (10/02/07),DamneD (10/02/10),par30web (10/03/03)

  7. #4

    نوشته ها
    مشاهده پروفايل}     افزودن به ليست دوستان   مشاهده گروه هاي اجتماعي

    پیش فرض

    Mr. Matritx2008,
    I thank you for greeting. As representative of the management forum, could you help me contact with the elite of the eIranian government or with whom any of the Foreign eMinistry? Tashakkut shumo az kumak

  8. 6 کاربر زیر از al-orifxo'ja برای این پست مفید تشکر کرده اند:

    behrang (10/02/07),brother hood (10/02/28),DamneD (10/02/10),nV!D!A (10/02/07),par30web (10/03/03),rabin2026 (10/02/07)

  9. #5

    نوشته ها
    مشاهده پروفايل}     افزودن به ليست دوستان   مشاهده گروه هاي اجتماعي

    پیش فرض

    welcome to eIran mate hope u enjoy ur time in eIran

  10. 4 کاربر زیر از Esteghlal_Iran برای این پست مفید تشکر کرده اند:

    al-orifxo'ja (10/02/08),behrang (10/02/07),DamneD (10/02/10),par30web (10/03/03)

  11. #6

    نوشته ها
    مشاهده پروفايل}     افزودن به ليست دوستان   مشاهده گروه هاي اجتماعي

    Exclamation چینی جنگ می خواهید

    سفارش از رئیس جمهور

    شهروندان روسیه

    به پشیمانی من ، مجلس چینی مختل مذاکرات صلح با چین و رد پیشنهاد صلح با مجارستان ، و بعد از آن روسیه است.
    در این راستا ، امروز ، در دقیقه 00.00 در دار ، من امضاء به منظور حمله لياعانينك و شينجانك

    در ارتباط با موارد فوق ، من سفارش :
    1) اعمال حداکثر تلاش برای پیروزی در لياعانينك
    2) در نبرد دیگری برای منحرف کردن توجه نیست!
    3) مبارزه با حداکثر تعداد ممکن از بار با سلاح : 812 روز -- 1-5 اعتصاب به منظور بالا بردن سلامتی تا 100 در روز 813 -- 10 ضربه به سلامتی از 40
    4) فروش اسلحه به مردم از طرف وزارت دفاع روسیه.

    رئيس جمهور روسیه رومول

    10.02.10 ، کالینینگراد ، کاخ کرملین

    Order of the President of eRussia

    Citizens of Russia

    To my regret, the Chinese parliament disrupted peace talks with China and rejected the offer of peace with Hungary, and later Russia.
    In this regard, today, at 00.00 minutes on the ICN, I signed the order to attack, Liaoning and Xinjiang

    In connection with the foregoing, I order:
    1. Exert maximum effort to win the Lyaoninge
    2. On the other battle not to distract attention!
    3. Fight the maximum-possible number of times with a weapon: a 812 day - 1-5 strikes to raise the wellness to 100 in the 813 day - 10 + hits to wellness 40 +
    4. Distributing guns to the public on behalf of the Ministry of Defense of Russia.

    President eRussia Romool
    10.02.10g, Kaliningrad, the Kremlin
    ويرايش توسط al-orifxo'ja : 10/02/10 در ساعت 12:50 PM

  12. 9 کاربر زیر از al-orifxo'ja برای این پست مفید تشکر کرده اند:

    behrang (10/02/10),DamneD (10/02/10),Milad (10/02/10),mrphoenix (10/02/10),octavian (10/02/11),par30web (10/02/21),rabin2026 (10/02/10),Rexxar 69 (10/04/07),wolfman_741 (10/02/10)

  13. #7

    نوشته ها
    مشاهده پروفايل}     افزودن به ليست دوستان   مشاهده گروه هاي اجتماعي


    Asror-e azal ro na tu doni-yu na man,
    Wain kharf-e muammo na tu khoni-yu na man.
    Khast az pas parde guftgu-yi man-u tu,
    Chun parde barafted na tu moni-yu na man.

    Umar-e Khayyom.


    In the world of strategic partnerships such large and so close to each other geographically of what today are eIran and eRussia, played a significant role in ensuring regional stability and security to create an enabling environment for the development of mutually beneficial economic and cultural partnership. Also, it is intended to limit the influence of other major political blocs, is geographically more distant, but the vested interests in the region (especially if those interests are not consistent with the interests of the two cooperating countries). In the author's view, only this should be the prerequisites for the development of eRusso-eIranian strategic partnership. This article is about the premises, history (all of this with reference to Real Life) and the prospects of strategic cooperation between eIran and eRussia, the States, out of a relationship which depends largely on the overall geopolitical situation in the Eurasian region , especially all, (which is especially important for eRussia) in the southern area.

    Today, eIran and eRussia are countries that are important geopolitical position of having large reserves of strategically significant mineral resources, greater human resources and having a powerful military and economic potential. Thus, the area of eIran - the largest in the territory of the State in the Middle East (more than twice the area of eTurkey) with an access to the seas (1 / 3 sea borders of eIran). This facilitates troop moving capabilities (or the possibility of building bridges) of eIran for many countries in the world.

    Great opportunities and prospects for the cooperation of eIran and eRussia in the military-technical, economic and trade fields, as was noted by visitors Embassy of eRussia in eIran . Today, eIran - is a broad market for eRussia's industry, especially in the field of armaments.

    Should also mention the similarity between eRussian and eIranian concepts of civilizations. eRussia the idea of poly-poles (much polarity) of the world corresponds to the eIranian concept of "dialogue of civilizations» ( See: LM Kulagina, VM Akhmedov. eIran out of isolation / / eIran: Islam and Power. Sat . articles. M., 2001, S. 149-163. See also: Long-term program of cooperation between eRussia and eIran for the period up to 2012 (do not believe it?).

    Thus, we can say that today there are many prerequisites for long-term Russo-eIranian partnership in various fields. But to judge about the real prospects of partnership, it would be helpful to look at past experience and to consider briefly the history of Russo-eIranian relations, that is, from Real Life, with particular emphasis on the stages of cooperation among states. As rightly noted historian of eRussia Vladimir Sazhin, "Persia has long been to eRussia ... trade and economic partner in the East for centuries remained an important element of eRussia's eastern policy» ( What is the scope of Russo-eIranian partnership? Vladimir Sazhin . (do not believe it?) .
    Speaking of regular diplomatic relations between eRussia and eIran, they were installed only with the coming to power in eIran "... the monarch of the Safavid dynasty (1502 - 1736 years) Abbas I (1587 - 1629 years).

    It should be noted that initially the Russo-eIranian relations have evolved primarily as a trade, although the observed and attempts to establish political and military alliance. It should be noted in particular attempts Rossiyskogo States and eIran during the XVI-XVII centuries. to conclude an alliance against Turkey, as well as the Persian campaign of Peter I (1722), formally committed to help the ruling dynasty in eIran to deal with internal rebellion, but in reality - to strengthen eRussia's position in the region. The beginning of XIX century. characterized by deterioration of East-related issues is the struggle for spheres of influence and markets of the European powers, and a significant deterioration of Russo-eIranian relations. Not the last role in the aggravation of Russo-eIranian relations has played a policy of Great Britain and France.
    Result of deteriorating relations were two eRussian-eIranian War, 1804-1813 and 1826-1828 gg. In this regard, one can not disagree with the St. Petersburg historian eIran IV Bazilenko, notes that "the first three decades of the XIX century. take a sad first place in the relations between the eRussians and the eIranians in comparison with all prior period true stories »([i] See: IV Bazilenko. eRussia and eIran / eRussia and the East [/ i]. (do not believe it?) .

    Subsequently, however, was a relatively short period of allied relations between the two states, when his two campaigns of eIran to Herat (1838 and 1856.) Distract attention from the British advance into Central Asia, which has gradually begun to assert its influence eRussia. However, the eRussian-eIranian war, and subsequently in the late XIX-early XX century. eIran's economic enslavement of Britain and eRussia have undermined the credibility and prestige of eRussia in the eyes of the eIranian population. The situation was corrected only after the October Revolution of 1917 in eRussia, contributed to a certain extent, the liberation of eIran from imperialist oppression.

    Today, as eRussia has firmly embroiled in the Far Eastern military policy or, in other words, its policy closely embroiled in the Far Eastern military campaign and its neighbor - eIran in that it has the moral support, eRussia must be sober to overestimate their Middle East (we would call the south) policy.
    But most of the uninhabited land, entire Africa and the Arab latitudes lie in the south, not in the Far East! And the soft belly of eRussia - Central Asia is not the same age can not homely!

    South eRussia needed, yet to its soldiers were washing their boots on the warm waters "of the seas and oceans. When eRepublik be truly global (all coverage) strategy, not only revels to meet Polish-Serbian inferiority complex as it is, then the most pressing issues for eRussia are not aggressive, and the retention of their territories and skillful management of their spheres of influence.
    Then it will take eRussia a trusted corridor, that's when she will need a quiet neighbor, and its southern Caucasus latitudes. After all, the gateway to the South of eRussia is personified in the person of a long-time ally of eIran. Turkey too ambitious to be just a gateway, rather than incubators for eRussian presidents ...

  14. 3 کاربر زیر از al-orifxo'ja برای این پست مفید تشکر کرده اند:

    par30web (10/02/21),rabin2026 (10/02/20),Rexxar 69 (10/04/07)

  15. #8

    نوشته ها
    مشاهده پروفايل}   درجه نظامي Commander :   افزودن به ليست دوستان   مشاهده گروه هاي اجتماعي

    پیش فرض

    من روسیه ام


  16. کاربران زیر از karobi به خاطر این پست مفید تشکر کرده اند:

    par30web (10/03/03)

  17. #9

    نوشته ها
    مشاهده پروفايل}     افزودن به ليست دوستان   مشاهده گروه هاي اجتماعي

    پیش فرض

    Dear friends
    because of problems with bugs in the newspapers, we publish here an interview with His Excellency the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Iran

    ---------- Post added at 10:06 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:26 PM ----------


    Today, for our newspaper, as well as for the embassy of eRussia, is a great day. Today we made happy by the visit of His Majesty, Mr. Minister of Foreign Affairs of Iran.

    Mr. Minister acquainted with the latest news from Russia, inquired about the working conditions of the embassy.
    Mr. Minister also agreed to give our newspaper interview, which our newspaper publishes more in an exclusive manner.

    - Mr. Minister, we sincerely thank you for taking the time and agreed to the interview to our newspapers. Tell me, please, for you personally as a e-citizen of the post MoFA is a purely personal achievement or recognition of your dignity?

    - Mr Ambassador, first let me thank you for your special activities in eIran. I believe you will see more hospitality from people here after some time. I've been told that you have enough knowledge about Iran and Iranian people so it's easy to see you have more friends here.

    Going back to the interview, well, it's difficult to answer your first question. I've been chosen for this honorable position after a long time working hard in the media by translating articles in any language into Persian, giving some recommendations to the officials at the end, and having some especial officials contacts in the world.

    - How do you assess the eRussian-eIranian relations from the perspective of bilateral format?

    - The relation between eIran and eRussia has always been good and stable. We both had felt the strong threat of eRomania for a long time. At that time, Iranian soldiers and our brave tanks, as one of the MAIN armies in the alliance, tried hard to stop evils from invading and occupying your mother land.

    In some harsh and bloody battles, we stopped the enemies in the narrow passages of the Norway just to help our ally, the GREAT Russia.

    - And how do you assess the relations between eRussia and eIran in terms of membership in the overall alliance?

    - Both countries are honorable members of the Phoenix alliance. But thanks to your good question, I have to explain two things.
    First, alliances here are particularly formed because of wars. Geopolitically, this has worked fine for quite a long time, but other potentials such as economy have never been considered important and equal.
    Second, Iranians have always fought hard in all battlegrounds throughout the world. The average damage of our soldiers was one of the highest in the alliance even when that was not really necessary, for instance in the eFrance wars. I remember my salary was directly consumed in the GUN market only to help eFrance and later in Indonesia just to help our allies.
    In our eyes, loyalty to our alliance had a better meaning comparing to being Iranian.
    So, if you still see the complaints about Iran –Alliance relations the reason comes from the past. The word "past" here means all of our experience and history.

    - What do you think is particularly interesting cooperation between eIran with the northern neighbor?

    - Two things: Economy and Economy!
    As you may have seen currently, we are suffering from having no access to the noble Iron. So, I have to seriously ask Russian Iron producers to join our market.
    But for a sustainable long term solution, eRussia along with our other allies to help us find and establish our own Steel Castle on the east.

    - Alliance won, thanks largely to Russia, its epic victory in the Asian continent. Please give me your assessment of this fact in terms of head of diplomatic offices.

    - That epic war was great. Many thanks for eRussia for initiating and executing that operation. It happened in the right time, right place, and checkmate!
    I know there were some top ranked Iranians in the war that their names can be seen in the top ten but I believe it was eRussia who dominated the Shakhmaty squares.

    - Mr. Minister, you, in your position, distinguished by the experience, understanding of game mechanics and visionary analytical thinking. Could you give futurological forecast: how will eRussia in the 950-day of New World?

    - It's really not easy to forecast the situation of eRussia at that time not because we are unable to see the trends but because that period will be greatly influenced by V2.
    I personally think eRussia will have its continuous growth in population and GDP. It's just the matter of time to see a red flag over the white house.

    - And in conclusion, what you would like to wish the friendly people of eRussia?

    - I wish them luck wherever they are. My brother studied medicine in of the world class universities in Moscow and got all his degrees there. So, I like your beautiful country, especially cold weather, hot drinks, and happy nation.

    We thank Mr. Minister, for his interesting interview and for his efforts in strengthening relations between eRussia and eIran.

    We are also glad to see you, dear Iranian friends in the eRussian Embassy!

  18. 2 کاربر زیر از al-orifxo'ja برای این پست مفید تشکر کرده اند:

    par30web (10/02/24),Rexxar 69 (10/04/07)

  19. #10

    نوشته ها
    مشاهده پروفايل}   درجه نظامي Recruit :   افزودن به ليست دوستان   مشاهده گروه هاي اجتماعي

    پیش فرض

    Dear Russian Ambassador

    You are welcomed to our country and you can always contact to any of cabinet & congress members for further questions or affairs

  20. 4 کاربر زیر از JACK C. HAMMER برای این پست مفید تشکر کرده اند:

    al-orifxo'ja (10/04/06),behrang (10/03/03),par30web (10/03/03),Rexxar 69 (10/04/07)

مجوز های ارسال و ویرایش

  • شما نمیتوانید موضوع جدیدی ارسال کنید
  • شما امکان ارسال پاسخ را ندارید
  • شما نمیتوانید فایل پیوست کنید.
  • شما نمیتوانید پست های خود را ویرایش کنید