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نمایش نتایج: از شماره 1 تا 1 , از مجموع 1

موضوع: Lord Empires

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    پیش فرض Lord Empires

    سلام ، توی فروم اسپانیا که میچرخیدم دیدم تیلیغ این بازی رو میکنن ... بازی جالبیه! بیشتر جنبه ی مدیریتی داره یعنی حرکاتتون باید با سیاست باشه ...
    پیشنهاد میکنم امتحانش کنید ...

    Lord Empires is a free persistent browser-based political simulation game based in the middle ages. In the time of kings and knights, when wars were won based on cunning strategies, when honor and pride meant something and when religion was the focal point of every political decision. You take on the role of a Lord of a city and have the option to shape the way the world and history will be written in this fictional world. You will create your own city in any of the available countries around the world and make various decisions on how to run your city, all these decisions will ultimately influence your progress.

    The main focus of the game is on city to city relations and interaction. You will need to deal with other rulers on a daily basis, create new trade routes, connect roads, unite and create a clan or even promote a common candidate for the country president.

    If you cannot find a diplomatic solution with your neighbors, then there's always the option of war! There are over 10 unit types, all with their own unique characteristics, advantages and weaknesses. You will need to create the right strategy for each opponent and use teamwork and coordination with your allies if you want to win wars and expand your borders.
    Depth and detail is what makes this game different from any other you have played online. All the little things matter, simply joining the game early is not enough. If you do not have a sound strategy you will always be a third world city.

    The game is slow paced, so this is not one of those games where you sit down for a few hours and then complete it. Lord Empires was designed for the passive player, so just a few minutes per day is more than enough to keep your city growing and developing. You cannot actually win the game and significant results could take weeks or months to achieve. Country and clan relations are constantly changing and nobody can predict how the political scene will be in the future. More importantly, each and every ruler plays a role in the game and it often could be down to one decision of one individual that eventually seals the fate of whole countries. That ruler could very well be you!

    Oh, I'm not going to kill you
    I'm just gonna hurt ya


  2. 2 کاربر زیر از Goldsky برای این پست مفید تشکر کرده اند:

    FieldMarshal (10/08/22),TrueEnzo (10/08/21)

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